The First Five

Genesis: A Story of Beginnings (Nov. 17, 2019)
How you begin something is vitally important in relationships, construction, and overall life. What we have in the book of Genesis is a solid foundation on which the rest of the Bible is built. Join us as we consider what we can learn from this book about God, ourselves, and the Messiah.
Exodus: The Redeeming Power of God (Nov. 24, 2019)
Exodus picks up with God's people now living in Egypt and their numbers are very strong (a sign of the fulfillment of God's promises in Genesis). But then comes a new Pharaoh and he doesn't like these multiplying Israelites and is determined to put a stop to them. Join us as we behold the power of God to redeem His covenant people no matter what difficulty they've had to face. This is all a picture of what Christ would do for us on the cross and at the empty tomb. We are now to live like these Israelites who've been redeemed at the cost of a spotless lamb and now must trust and worship Him on the way to the Promised Land.
Leviticus: Our Holy God & His Holy People (Dec. 1, 2019)
Lots of well-meaning Bible readers commit to read through the Bible in a year and encounter the Leviticus Factor: they give up when they reach Leviticus because of all the laws and clean/unclean rituals. Does this book really have anything to offer us Americans living in the 21st Century? Yes! Join us as we consider how this book reveals to us the holiness of God, the wonder of atonement, and the call to living holy lives as well.
Numbers: A Warning Against Wandering (Dec. 8, 2019)
"Not all who wander are lost." That line comes from a book by J.R.R. Tolkien and many have claimed it as a personal life motto. What we find in the book of Numbers, are God's people wandering through the wilderness, not because they're lost but because they're unbelieving. We are warned here against going our own way and encouraged to instead believe in the promises of a forever faithful God.
Deuteronomy: Life in the Present (Dec. 15, 2019)
We all at times experience those in-between moments in life. Whether we're in between high school and college or in between college and a career or in between jobs. Every born again believer lives in between their conversion and glorification. The question Deuteronomy answers for us is how to live for God's glory in the here and now. Moses gives us three messages: we must remember God's faithfulness in the past, love God supremely in the present, and trust Him with the future.