The Tests of Life: 1 John

The Knowledge Test—1 John 5:18-21—November 3, 2019
In our world, it seems that if there's one thing of which we can be certain it is that we can't be certain of anything. But John here gives us rock-solid assurances and certainty and fixed realities of which we can be certain as believers. Join us as we consider these truths that will serve as anchors in the storms of life for us.
The Faith Test—1 John 4:1-6; 5:1-13—October 27, 2019
How can we know that we have true, saving faith? John shares with us here that true faith is rooted in the biblical Gospel, bears fruit, and enjoys the blessing of the Spirit's inner testimony.
The Prayer Test—1 John 3:19-22; 5:13-17—October 20, 2019
Have you ever felt like your prayers went no higher than the ceiling? According to our passage this morning, it often means there is a failure of alignment. Either our lives are not in line with God's will or our prayers are not in line with His will. Here we are encouraged that if we will humble ourselves and get with God's program, we will experience rich blessing in prayer.
The Longing Test—1 John 2:28-3:3—October 13, 2019
Those who have been given new birth by the Spirit have also been given a longing for Christ's return. Like a wife and children anxiously awaiting the arrival of "husband" or "dad" from a military tour of duty, so the bride of Christ and the children of God cannot help but desire His return. Listen in as we consider how we can wait for Christ's return without losing hope and turning from Him.
The Spirit Test—1 John 2:26-27—October 6, 2019
A clear mark of a born again believer is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The Holy Spirit takes up residence in the life of a Christian at conversion and has a unique ministry in their life. But what is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer? It is a ministry of anointing, teaching, and comforting. Join us as we consider the role of the Spirit and whether or not we are living in the Spirit or not.
The Worldliness Test—1 John 2:15-25—September 29, 2019
It is not possible to love God supremely and still have room in your heart to love this world's ways. John confronts us with the harsh reality that we will either be in love with this present world or we will have an all-consuming love for God. The reason we must avoid worldliness is that it calls into question our love of the Father, this world and its desires are passing away, and we are living in the last hour.
The Love Test—1 John 2:7-14, 3:10-24, 4:7-5:1—September 15, 2019
There are over 100 million love songs that have been recorded, but it begs the question: What is love and who came up with it? Is love, "just a lie made to make you blue" as one famous love song states? In this message, we see how God's people have been given God's love for one another and how that should affect their love for the world around them.
The Sin Test—1 John 1:8-2:2, 3:4-10, 5:18—September 8, 2019
Is it possible for a true believer to live complacently in a lifestyle of habitual sin? John here informs us this is impossible. We see in this message the timeline of the Christian life and how believers are no longer victims of their sinful desires, but have been given a new power to resist and repent of sin by the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Obedience Test—1 John 1:5-7; 2:3-6, 2:29, 3:7-10, 3:24, 5:1-5—September 1, 2019
How can we know with absolute certainty that we are truly born again? One indicator is to examine our ability to obey God's commands. Those who are claim to know God and yet live in spiritual darkness are lying, while those who live godly and upright lives do. This true godliness is more than merely keeping the rules, but is a heart level love for the will and ways of God and a submission to His rule over our lives.
The Fellowship Test—1 John 1:1-4—Aug. 25, 2019
One clear sign that we are truly born again is that we enjoy fellowship with God. In the first few verses of this little epistle, John explains why he preaches and writes of Jesus: so that others may enjoy fellowship with God and fullness of joy. The fellowship we enjoy with God is so life-enriching and transformative, that we cannot help but invite others into this fellowship as well.
In our world, it seems that if there's one thing of which we can be certain it is that we can't be certain of anything. But John here gives us rock-solid assurances and certainty and fixed realities of which we can be certain as believers. Join us as we consider these truths that will serve as anchors in the storms of life for us.
The Faith Test—1 John 4:1-6; 5:1-13—October 27, 2019
How can we know that we have true, saving faith? John shares with us here that true faith is rooted in the biblical Gospel, bears fruit, and enjoys the blessing of the Spirit's inner testimony.
The Prayer Test—1 John 3:19-22; 5:13-17—October 20, 2019
Have you ever felt like your prayers went no higher than the ceiling? According to our passage this morning, it often means there is a failure of alignment. Either our lives are not in line with God's will or our prayers are not in line with His will. Here we are encouraged that if we will humble ourselves and get with God's program, we will experience rich blessing in prayer.
The Longing Test—1 John 2:28-3:3—October 13, 2019
Those who have been given new birth by the Spirit have also been given a longing for Christ's return. Like a wife and children anxiously awaiting the arrival of "husband" or "dad" from a military tour of duty, so the bride of Christ and the children of God cannot help but desire His return. Listen in as we consider how we can wait for Christ's return without losing hope and turning from Him.
The Spirit Test—1 John 2:26-27—October 6, 2019
A clear mark of a born again believer is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The Holy Spirit takes up residence in the life of a Christian at conversion and has a unique ministry in their life. But what is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer? It is a ministry of anointing, teaching, and comforting. Join us as we consider the role of the Spirit and whether or not we are living in the Spirit or not.
The Worldliness Test—1 John 2:15-25—September 29, 2019
It is not possible to love God supremely and still have room in your heart to love this world's ways. John confronts us with the harsh reality that we will either be in love with this present world or we will have an all-consuming love for God. The reason we must avoid worldliness is that it calls into question our love of the Father, this world and its desires are passing away, and we are living in the last hour.
The Love Test—1 John 2:7-14, 3:10-24, 4:7-5:1—September 15, 2019
There are over 100 million love songs that have been recorded, but it begs the question: What is love and who came up with it? Is love, "just a lie made to make you blue" as one famous love song states? In this message, we see how God's people have been given God's love for one another and how that should affect their love for the world around them.
The Sin Test—1 John 1:8-2:2, 3:4-10, 5:18—September 8, 2019
Is it possible for a true believer to live complacently in a lifestyle of habitual sin? John here informs us this is impossible. We see in this message the timeline of the Christian life and how believers are no longer victims of their sinful desires, but have been given a new power to resist and repent of sin by the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Obedience Test—1 John 1:5-7; 2:3-6, 2:29, 3:7-10, 3:24, 5:1-5—September 1, 2019
How can we know with absolute certainty that we are truly born again? One indicator is to examine our ability to obey God's commands. Those who are claim to know God and yet live in spiritual darkness are lying, while those who live godly and upright lives do. This true godliness is more than merely keeping the rules, but is a heart level love for the will and ways of God and a submission to His rule over our lives.
The Fellowship Test—1 John 1:1-4—Aug. 25, 2019
One clear sign that we are truly born again is that we enjoy fellowship with God. In the first few verses of this little epistle, John explains why he preaches and writes of Jesus: so that others may enjoy fellowship with God and fullness of joy. The fellowship we enjoy with God is so life-enriching and transformative, that we cannot help but invite others into this fellowship as well.