Salvation Series

Dead to Alive- Colossians 2:8-15- April 4, 2021
Every year God performs a glorious mystery: out of the gnarled and dead branches of trees and shrubs in our yards sprout beautiful azaleas and crape myrtles and other vegetation. God has not only written life after death into the fabric of the seasons, but He has also portrayed it best at the empty tomb. Join us as we consider what the empty tomb means for all who trust in Jesus also.
Enemies to Friends- Romans 5:6-11- Mar. 28, 2021
In this message we consider how in salvation God has taken us from being His enemies to being His forever friends via the cross of Christ. Join us as we consider who we were, what God did at the cross, and why it ultimately matters.
Slaves to Sons & Daughters- Galatians 4:4-7- Mar. 14, 2021
Adoption can be a beautiful and powerful picture of the Gospel. In the Gospel, God has taken us off the streets into his home and given us all the rights of sons and daughters. Join us as we consider the wonder of being set free from our slavery to sin and being brought into the family of God by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
Satan to God- Acts 26:16-18- Mar. 7, 2021
When it comes to Satan, most people either discredit him or blame him for everything bad that happens. But in this study, we see how Satan is truly a powerful superhuman angelic being and yet his doom is secure because of Christ. Join us as we consider God's power to take us from being under Satan's dominion to being under God's.
Filthy to Clean- 1 Corinthians 6:9-11- Feb. 28, 2021
In salvation, God takes us from filthy to pure, and he does so through the blood of Christ, the word of the Gospel, and the power of the Spirit. Join us as we consider the cleansing power of Jesus.
Darkness to Light- Ephesians 5:8- Feb. 21, 2021
In salvation, God takes us from darkness to light. Just as we often take for granted modern electricity and keeping the lights on, so we also take for granted being Christians who walk in the light. Here we are reminded that once we were darkness, but now we are light in the Lord. We must rejoice in the light we've been given and live as children of light in a dark world in which we shine.