Passion Week

The King Who Calls Us to Go—Matthew 28:16-20—April 28, 2019
Imagine if mail delivery men and women across America quit delivering packages. It would be pandemonium. Each of us has a message to deliver from the King of heaven and earth that is of the utmost urgency and we must take it seriously. Join us as we look at the Great Commission to answer why we should go, where we should go, and how we should go with this message.
The King's Last Week: Sunday—The King Who Rose from the Dead—Matthew 28:1-15—April 21, 2019
The last place one would expect to find hope and joy and peace and life is in a tomb. Yet this is what our Savior does. Here we see the crazy news that King Jesus came back from the dead, the differing responses to the news from the women and the guards, and the challenge before us. Will we respond as the women or as the guards? Will we joyfully and reverently proclaim this good news with our lips and lives, or will we suppress the truth of the resurrection and live like nothing important has happened?
The King's Last Week: Friday/Saturday—The King Who Was Crucified—Matthew 26:57-27:66—April 19, 2019
At this Good Friday service, we reflected on why we call it "Good" Friday. What could possibly be good on this most tragic of all days? It was good because Christ traded places with us (27:15-23), granted access to us (27:50-51), and tasted death for us (27:57-66). This means we have been given Christ's righteousness, can now draw near to God with confidence, and our future death has been translated into the doorways to eternal life in Christ's presence.
The King's Last Week: Thursday—The King Who Was Betrayed—Matthew 26:17-56—April 14, 2019
Many have known the pain of loneliness, despair, betrayal, and desertion. But none except Jesus knew the true depths of this despair. The fact that Jesus endured all this and yet said it was to fulfill Scripture, should encourage us. If the most horrific and worst 24 hours possible was a part of God's good plan, then the seemingly random and tragic events of our lives do not take God by surprise.
The King's Last Week: Tuesday/Wednesday—The King Who Will Return—Matthew 21:18-26:16—April 7, 2019
Nobody likes those dreams where they find themselves at work or in school and realize they have no clothes on. The feeling of being exposed before the eyes of others is not a good one. Yet Jesus warned that we will all be exposed one day before God on Judgment Day. We must turn from covering ourselves with the fig leaves of self-made religion and instead clothe ourselves in the righteousness of Christ by faith. The religious leaders bore no spiritual fruit, but had a lot of religious fig leaves on them. Jesus warns us against playing religion and calls us to faith alone in Him alone. He will one day examine fruitfulness and reward faithfulness for those who have been good stewards of what God entrusted.
The King's Last Week: Monday—The King Who Cleaned House—Matthew 21:12-17 —March 31, 2019
Spring cleaning is something we all do. The dirt and dust pile up over winter and during Spring, we can finally air things out and get out the cleaning supplies. When Jesus came into the Temple, he discovered that the religious leaders had let impurity into the people's worship. They were allowing people to sell and trade in the Temple precinct, and were turning this place of worship into a cave for stashing stolen goods. This teaches us that Jesus demands purity in our worship.
The King's Last Week: Sunday—The King Who Rode A Donkey—Matthew 21:1-11—March 24, 2019
What if you knew this were the last week of your life? How would you live differently? You probably wouldn't waste a minute of time, but with live with great intention and purpose. Jesus' last week was spent with great purpose and focus, yet also with great sacrificial love. Join us as we consider the first of the last week of Jesus' earthly life.
Imagine if mail delivery men and women across America quit delivering packages. It would be pandemonium. Each of us has a message to deliver from the King of heaven and earth that is of the utmost urgency and we must take it seriously. Join us as we look at the Great Commission to answer why we should go, where we should go, and how we should go with this message.
The King's Last Week: Sunday—The King Who Rose from the Dead—Matthew 28:1-15—April 21, 2019
The last place one would expect to find hope and joy and peace and life is in a tomb. Yet this is what our Savior does. Here we see the crazy news that King Jesus came back from the dead, the differing responses to the news from the women and the guards, and the challenge before us. Will we respond as the women or as the guards? Will we joyfully and reverently proclaim this good news with our lips and lives, or will we suppress the truth of the resurrection and live like nothing important has happened?
The King's Last Week: Friday/Saturday—The King Who Was Crucified—Matthew 26:57-27:66—April 19, 2019
At this Good Friday service, we reflected on why we call it "Good" Friday. What could possibly be good on this most tragic of all days? It was good because Christ traded places with us (27:15-23), granted access to us (27:50-51), and tasted death for us (27:57-66). This means we have been given Christ's righteousness, can now draw near to God with confidence, and our future death has been translated into the doorways to eternal life in Christ's presence.
The King's Last Week: Thursday—The King Who Was Betrayed—Matthew 26:17-56—April 14, 2019
Many have known the pain of loneliness, despair, betrayal, and desertion. But none except Jesus knew the true depths of this despair. The fact that Jesus endured all this and yet said it was to fulfill Scripture, should encourage us. If the most horrific and worst 24 hours possible was a part of God's good plan, then the seemingly random and tragic events of our lives do not take God by surprise.
The King's Last Week: Tuesday/Wednesday—The King Who Will Return—Matthew 21:18-26:16—April 7, 2019
Nobody likes those dreams where they find themselves at work or in school and realize they have no clothes on. The feeling of being exposed before the eyes of others is not a good one. Yet Jesus warned that we will all be exposed one day before God on Judgment Day. We must turn from covering ourselves with the fig leaves of self-made religion and instead clothe ourselves in the righteousness of Christ by faith. The religious leaders bore no spiritual fruit, but had a lot of religious fig leaves on them. Jesus warns us against playing religion and calls us to faith alone in Him alone. He will one day examine fruitfulness and reward faithfulness for those who have been good stewards of what God entrusted.
The King's Last Week: Monday—The King Who Cleaned House—Matthew 21:12-17 —March 31, 2019
Spring cleaning is something we all do. The dirt and dust pile up over winter and during Spring, we can finally air things out and get out the cleaning supplies. When Jesus came into the Temple, he discovered that the religious leaders had let impurity into the people's worship. They were allowing people to sell and trade in the Temple precinct, and were turning this place of worship into a cave for stashing stolen goods. This teaches us that Jesus demands purity in our worship.
The King's Last Week: Sunday—The King Who Rode A Donkey—Matthew 21:1-11—March 24, 2019
What if you knew this were the last week of your life? How would you live differently? You probably wouldn't waste a minute of time, but with live with great intention and purpose. Jesus' last week was spent with great purpose and focus, yet also with great sacrificial love. Join us as we consider the first of the last week of Jesus' earthly life.