
"The Pity of Jonah & The Pity of God"- Jonah 4- March 4, 2018
Most preachers would give anything to see such an incredible response of conversion as Jonah saw among the Ninevites. But instead of rejoicing at the news of Nineveh's repentance, Jonah was angry at God over it. God then gives Jonah an object lesson in pity and we are left with the question of how we will respond in our pity toward the lost: like Jonah or like God?
"God's Relentless Grace"- Jonah 3- February 25, 2018
Does God give second chances? According to Jonah 3, the answer is a resounding, "Yes!" We learn from Jonah 3 that our God is a God of relentless grace for us and for all. Because God's grace is so relentless, we must respond humbly and quickly to it, refusing to take it in vain. Since God has shown us such relentless grace, we must extend this grace to others.
"Salvation is of the LORD"- Jonah 2- February 18, 2018
They say when you hit "rock bottom", there is only one way to look: up! That was true for Jonah and that is true for us as well. In this message, we discover that we are in desperate need of a salvation we can't attain by our own effort and yet God has the sovereign power to grant it. Jonah's prayer teaches us that God acts to save us even when we don't deserve it, if we will simply cry out to him in broken-hearted humility.
"Runaway Prophet"- Jonah 1- February 11, 2018
We like to think we're not running from God, but the story of Jonah teaches us that if we're not regularly sharing the gospel with others, then we are running from God. What God reveals to us in Jonah 1 is that we must adopt His heart for the lost, acknowledge the folly of running from Him, and accept His unstoppable plan. After all, the God who sought us out through other Christians is on a mission to seek the lost through us too.
Most preachers would give anything to see such an incredible response of conversion as Jonah saw among the Ninevites. But instead of rejoicing at the news of Nineveh's repentance, Jonah was angry at God over it. God then gives Jonah an object lesson in pity and we are left with the question of how we will respond in our pity toward the lost: like Jonah or like God?
"God's Relentless Grace"- Jonah 3- February 25, 2018
Does God give second chances? According to Jonah 3, the answer is a resounding, "Yes!" We learn from Jonah 3 that our God is a God of relentless grace for us and for all. Because God's grace is so relentless, we must respond humbly and quickly to it, refusing to take it in vain. Since God has shown us such relentless grace, we must extend this grace to others.
"Salvation is of the LORD"- Jonah 2- February 18, 2018
They say when you hit "rock bottom", there is only one way to look: up! That was true for Jonah and that is true for us as well. In this message, we discover that we are in desperate need of a salvation we can't attain by our own effort and yet God has the sovereign power to grant it. Jonah's prayer teaches us that God acts to save us even when we don't deserve it, if we will simply cry out to him in broken-hearted humility.
"Runaway Prophet"- Jonah 1- February 11, 2018
We like to think we're not running from God, but the story of Jonah teaches us that if we're not regularly sharing the gospel with others, then we are running from God. What God reveals to us in Jonah 1 is that we must adopt His heart for the lost, acknowledge the folly of running from Him, and accept His unstoppable plan. After all, the God who sought us out through other Christians is on a mission to seek the lost through us too.