We Gather, Grow,

In an age when scores of people from churches across the world have ceased gathering for worship and fellowship, we see from God's Word just why this is so important to maintain. Join us as we are both comforted and warned about the gathering of God's people in the local church until Christ returns.
What comes to mind when you think of church growth? The Bible has a lot to say about church growth and yet most of it isn't regarding the typical bigger budget or more attenders. The Bible speaks a lot about the spiritual growth and maturity of Christ's church which happens through exposure to God's Word and discipling relationships within the body. Join us as we consider our second emphasis in our vision statement as a church that "we grow together."
The Gospel message only does good for those who hear and receive it, so we must go to our lost world with this message or they cannot be saved. Join us as we consider the importance of our task as ambassadors for Christ to our world.