Faith Works: The Book of James

Frederick Lee- Patience In Suffering- James 5:7-12- November 15, 2020
It can be easy to grow impatient when we face suffering of some kind. We must be patient in our suffering, remembering that God has commanded this and remembering the prophets who have given us plenty of examples of this.
Beware Wealth- James 5:1-6- November 1, 2020
Money is dangerous, because our hearts are so prone to trust in it more than in God. In this message, God's Word challenges us to answer three questions: How is your saving?, How is your giving?, and How is your spending? We are called to store up treasures in heaven by giving to God's kingdom work and via thrifty spending which aims to please God and not ourselves.
Frederick Lee- Boasting About Tomorrow- James 4:13-17- October 25, 2020
"What are your plans this weekend?" These are typical questions we get asked and we ask others. Yet in all our planning, we must remember that we are nothing more than mist and that God is our Creator, who alone knows what the future holds. In this message, Frederick (Freddy) Lee shows us from James just how evil it is to make plans without realizing it is up to God and without thinking of God's will for our tomorrow.
Do Not Judge...Wrongly- James 4:11-12- October 18, 2020
One of the most searched for verses on Google is, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" (Matthew 7:1). In this message, we consider that there is a right and wrong sort of judgment. Jesus Himself says, "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment" (John 7:24). When we speak evil of one another in the body of Christ, or gossip, back-bite, or slander each other, we are acting as our brother's judge. James teaches us that we need to get off the judge's bench and remember that is God's role and not ours.
God Opposes the Proud, but Gives Grace to the Humble- James 4:6-10- October 11, 2020
In this message, James gives us several imperative commands that flow from the truth that only the humble are given God's grace. If we wish to enjoy God's hand of favor on our lives, we must humble ourselves and draw near to God.
Beware Sinful Passions!- James 4:1-4- October 4, 2020
A children's book we own is entitled, "My Want Tos." We all have a lot of wants/passions/cravings and yet we must beware of giving into them. When we cave to the sinful passions at war within us, it leads to broken relationships, prayer lives, and can in the end reveal we are still God's enemies. There is a reason Scripture warns us of these things: because God loves us and is jealous for our whole-hearted worship.
Wisdom from Above- James 3:13-18- September 27, 2020
Who is wise and how do we know we are walking in wisdom? James reveals to us that wisdom is proper living motivated by proper thinking, it comes from above and not below, and it produces a very different result than worldly wisdom. Join us as we consider the difference between worldly wisdom and God's wisdom.
The Power of The Tongue- James 3:1-12- September 20, 2020
The tongue is so small and yet the damage it can cause! We all know the old schoolyard phrase isn't true: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Our words have the power to bring death and life. Here James teaches us that when Jesus saves our souls, He also changes our speech. We are encouraged to be a people whose lips are yet another fruit growing from the change Christ has made in us.
Will Salter- Faith Without Works- James 2:14-26- September 13, 2020
In this sermon, Will Salter examines the fact that a faith which bears no fruit is dead. We are urged to display true faith in a lifestyle of good works.
Frederick Lee- The Sin of Partiality- James 2:1-13- September 6, 2020
Frederick (Freddy) Lee brought a convicting message for us on the sin of partiality and urged us to treat one another with the same dignity and respect as we wish to be treated. Since we will all stand before the Judgment Seat of God, we must remember that God shows no partiality, so we must not as well.
Tests & Temptations- James 1:12-18- August 23, 2020
The word "test" is a word that makes most students cringe, yet the Bible's use of the word here teaches us God (the test giver) has a good purpose in testing us. Join us as we consider the promise for enduring tests, the problem with blaming God for temptation-tests, and the power to pass these tests which derives in God alone.
Praying in Faith- James 1:5-11- August 16, 2020
In prayer, we must always remember who we are approaching (a willing and generous Father) and how we should approach such a one (as a trusting and humble child). One of the things we all lack and need a fresh supply of is wisdom for daily trials of life, but how we pray for such wisdom is important.
Trials from Heaven's Perspective- James 1:1-4- August 9, 2020
Oftentimes we wish to avoid trials like we avoid potholes on the road. But in the first verses of James, we are reminded that trials are God's way to purify and refine our faith in Him. Join us as we consider why we should rejoice when trials come our way, instead of retreat.
Overview of James- August 2, 2020
We've all discovered the difference between authentic and counterfeit merchandise. In this overview message of the book of James, we see how authentic faith will be revealed in our daily lives.