When all seems lost, we must remember that our God is in sovereign control and works all things according to the purpose of His will, for the good of His people and the glory of His name. Here we see the faithfulness of God to keep His Word and return His people to Jerusalem after 70 years of exile in Babylon. He does so by stirring the spirit of kings and stirring the spirit of His people.
How do we live for the Lord with joy and enthusiasm when we face opposition from critics and skeptics? In this text, we see how the Lord sovereignly turns the hearts of kings to accomplish His good purpose for His people. We are encouraged to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God and to press on in faith despite the presence of enemies.
Sometimes in life we are pressed up against impossible odds and yet God makes a way and shows His hand. The invisible hand of providence is seen at these moments and at others remains unseen. Here in this message, we're reminded that the good hand of God and the face of God and the ear of God is always for good toward those who are His children, even when they may not sense it.
How should we respond when grievous sin is discovered in the local community of faith? Here in Ezra 9-10, we see Ezra's response is one of mourning, weeping, fasting, praying, and calling for repentance. We learn the importance of godly grief over sin and the call to be our brother's keeper.