Easter 2018

What does the resurrection of Christ really mean for us? This is the question we tackle today. Join us as we study the account of the shocked women, the shocked disciples, and the shocked duo who encounter the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus. We'll learn that the resurrection means the cross was enough, death is not the end, God's Word is true, and we've got a message to tell.
"AT THE CROSS" -LUKE 23:32-56- MARCH 25, 2018
Those who rejoice the most over the resurrection of Christ are those who ponder the most his crucifixion. We learn this morning that at the cross, Jesus stood in for us, extended God's forgiveness to us, and opened the way back to God for us. Because of what Christ did on the cross, we can leave our guilt behind, forgive others as we have been forgiven, and pursue fellowship with God.
"IN THE GARDEN"- LUKE 22:39-62- MARCH 11, 2018
When you're given a backstage pass to your favorite band at a concert, you're able to see what is really going on behind the scenes in the music. In these verses, Jesus gives us a backstage pass to his passion. As Jesus marches towards the cross, we're able to discover that the cross is more than a symbol of God's love. The cross is also a cup of suffering, a battle with the forces of evil, and a lonely road of betrayal and desertion our Savior walked for us.
What does the resurrection of Christ really mean for us? This is the question we tackle today. Join us as we study the account of the shocked women, the shocked disciples, and the shocked duo who encounter the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus. We'll learn that the resurrection means the cross was enough, death is not the end, God's Word is true, and we've got a message to tell.
"AT THE CROSS" -LUKE 23:32-56- MARCH 25, 2018
Those who rejoice the most over the resurrection of Christ are those who ponder the most his crucifixion. We learn this morning that at the cross, Jesus stood in for us, extended God's forgiveness to us, and opened the way back to God for us. Because of what Christ did on the cross, we can leave our guilt behind, forgive others as we have been forgiven, and pursue fellowship with God.
"IN THE GARDEN"- LUKE 22:39-62- MARCH 11, 2018
When you're given a backstage pass to your favorite band at a concert, you're able to see what is really going on behind the scenes in the music. In these verses, Jesus gives us a backstage pass to his passion. As Jesus marches towards the cross, we're able to discover that the cross is more than a symbol of God's love. The cross is also a cup of suffering, a battle with the forces of evil, and a lonely road of betrayal and desertion our Savior walked for us.