Angel Encounters

In this first angel encounter, we encounter Zechariah and Elizabeth, an elderly godly couple whose lives haven't exactly turned out as they'd wished, and yet they still served God. Join us as we learn the importance of trusting God to do what only He can do even in the darkest of days.
In this second angelic encounter, Gabriel is sent from God to announce to Mary that she'll give birth to the Son of God. It tells us a lot about God's character that He chose Nazareth over Jerusalem and Mary over an earthly queen. Join us as we consider how God's favor is not based on earthly qualifications, His power is not bound by earthly limitations, and His ways do not align with earthly expectations.
Does it ever seem like the events playing out on the public scene or in our personal lives are totally random and unguided? You never know when there will be another school shooting or when your check engine light will come on next. How can you have peace and joy and hope in the midst of the seemingly random chaos? Join us as we see how the first Christmas was quite chaotic and seemingly random as well. We will discover how God is guiding the tangled mess of our lives and our world to fulfill His good purposes for His glory, just as He guided the arrival of His Son on the stage of history.