An Unexpected Christmas

Nobody likes waiting for things, but God teaches us a lot through waiting. In the scene where baby Jesus is presented in the temple, we learn that God blesses those who wait for Him. Join us as we examine Simeon and Anna and the learn the importance of waiting on God in our lives.
"UNEXPECTED BIRTH"- LUKE 2:1-21- 12/23/18
You can tell the determination one has had based upon the length they will go in order to accomplish something. In the Christmas story, we see God's determination to save sinners at all costs. Nothing would stop God from carrying out His plan, even if it meant moving the whole Roman world, being born as a helpless baby in an animal's feeding trough, or announcing his message to lowly shepherds.
"UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY"- LUKE 1:26-56- 12/16/18
The Christmas story is one of totally unexpected occurrences. That the highly exalted God of the universe would humble Himself to be born a baby to a peasant girl is shocking. It is even more shocking to know that Mary's baby was not Joseph's or any other man's, but was the Son of God Himself. Yet Mary, unlike Zechariah, humbly receives this news in faith. We also must humbly receive by faith whatever God has for our lives and consider ourselves His servants.
"UNEXPECTED PROPHET"- LUKE 1:1-25, 57-80- 12/9/18
How can we be faithful to God in present afflictions? By trusting God's past faithfulness. This is the lesson Zechariah learns the hard way when the angel Gabriel announces the coming birth of John the Baptist. Zechariah looks more at he and his wife's present barrenness than he does to God's past faithfulness. Zechariah's doubt earns him 9 months of muteness and possible deafness, yet God opens his mouth and ears again when he humbly believes God's Word despite his circumstances.
Nobody likes waiting for things, but God teaches us a lot through waiting. In the scene where baby Jesus is presented in the temple, we learn that God blesses those who wait for Him. Join us as we examine Simeon and Anna and the learn the importance of waiting on God in our lives.
"UNEXPECTED BIRTH"- LUKE 2:1-21- 12/23/18
You can tell the determination one has had based upon the length they will go in order to accomplish something. In the Christmas story, we see God's determination to save sinners at all costs. Nothing would stop God from carrying out His plan, even if it meant moving the whole Roman world, being born as a helpless baby in an animal's feeding trough, or announcing his message to lowly shepherds.
"UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY"- LUKE 1:26-56- 12/16/18
The Christmas story is one of totally unexpected occurrences. That the highly exalted God of the universe would humble Himself to be born a baby to a peasant girl is shocking. It is even more shocking to know that Mary's baby was not Joseph's or any other man's, but was the Son of God Himself. Yet Mary, unlike Zechariah, humbly receives this news in faith. We also must humbly receive by faith whatever God has for our lives and consider ourselves His servants.
"UNEXPECTED PROPHET"- LUKE 1:1-25, 57-80- 12/9/18
How can we be faithful to God in present afflictions? By trusting God's past faithfulness. This is the lesson Zechariah learns the hard way when the angel Gabriel announces the coming birth of John the Baptist. Zechariah looks more at he and his wife's present barrenness than he does to God's past faithfulness. Zechariah's doubt earns him 9 months of muteness and possible deafness, yet God opens his mouth and ears again when he humbly believes God's Word despite his circumstances.